Getting out of bed, out of the bedroom, out of your pyjama’s – some days it’s just too much work. Especially now, while we’re all stuck at home. There are times when you just don’t want to. You don’t want to stare at your webcam the entire day, or work at the kitchen table, or not have human contact all day.
Working from home is hard.
Now, you might think: ‘Wait, aren’t you in Bali? What do you know…’ True, true. We are very lucky we’re hidden away on an island where, some days (okay, most days) it doesn’t feel much like a pandemic at all. However, I do know what you’re going through with work. Because during our travels we’ve worked everywhere. From hip breakfast spots, to bland hotel rooms and even in the back of buses speeding down dusty roads.
So, I know what it feels like to lack motivation. But, after 2,5 years of traveling, I also know how to get fired up again.
My secret?
Seek motivation outside of yourself. If you can’t find it within you, look outside. That doesn’t mean you get on YouTube or anything, that’s the worst idea.
No, I’m talking about photoprints.
Did you know photoprints are a great source for inspiration if you use them to visualize a goal for yourself?
How that works?
Well, everyone wants to get outside again. Not for a minute, or an hour. People want to go on vacation. They want to travel again. And it’s that desire that’s going to help you keep going.
Decide where you really want to go after this is all over. Think about it, dream about it, feel it.
Now, get a big – I mean huge – photoprint of that destination and hang it where you can always see it during work.
And the next time you’re lacking motivation, just look at it. Feel like you’re there, see yourself in the picture. Know that’s what you’re working towards. Suddenly, you will see what’s on the other end of this long, dark tunnel and, I promise, you’ll have a little more motivation to keep going.
To help you get started, I picked out 5 dream destinations for you to consider.

Most people will know Hawaii for it white beaches, surfing and cocktails with little straw umbrellas in them. Hawaii, however, is as special as it is because it has everything. Sun, surf, beaches, sure. But also a snow-peaked mountain and, as you see here, overgrown jungle. Don’t you want to go hiking through this lush green?
Buy ‘Jungle in Hawaii’

Is Java the busiest island on the planet? Yes, it is. However, the island is more than big enough to have sprawling cities and also beautiful vistas like this. Smelling the fields of tea, already? See yourself walking through these beautiful fields and feel motivated to keep working.
Buy ‘Tea plantation in Java, Indonesia’

I know not a lot of people think about my opinion a whole lot, but for now, let’s assume you’re interested in it. Accept my opinion as a tip: Norway is the most breathtaking country on earth and you need to go there, ASAP. With this photoprint on your wall, you’re going to have no trouble seeing yourself cruising along glaciers and beautiful lakes.
Buy ‘Lake in North-Norway’

I can be honest with you, right? If you ask me, some places in Vietnam are already too crowded. However, I urge you not to take this country off your list just yet. Because if you rent a scooter you can still find quaint mountain towns, like this one. Perfect.
Buy ‘Rice fields in Pu Luong, Vietnam’

Western roads have few secrets. Most cities are laid out according to a plan and there quite easy to navigate. Well, not if you venture into an Italian mountain town. With maze-like alleyways, that always seem to end up on some piazza where they sell the best pasta ever, getting lost there is a dream. Treat yourself to this print and keep wondering what you’ll find around that corner.
Buy ‘Isolabona, Italy’
Lockdown-sale? For sure!
This whole lockdown business is, of course, a distaster. Spending whole days locked in the house is making no one any happier. That’s why I want to help you make the best of a crappy situation, by offering you a discount for my work.
Because I truly believe having a beautiful print on your wall you can look at for days of end will make stuff a little better.
So, you can get 10% off on all my work with the code LOCKDOWNSALE (or with this link), if you use it on Werk aan de Muur or OhMyPrints.
First want some more inspiration? See some examples of Home Offices.
Enjoy your shopping spree and remember: this too shall pass.